My highlights for Wotlk are the following:
- Full clear Naxx 10 in a pug for the first time
- Full clear ICC 10 in a pug for the first time
- Completing Benediction quest line
- Wiping on Sindy 10 for 4 hours in a pug and witnessing the raid leader raging and kicking 1 warrior and 3 more warrior replacements
- Healing Heroic Hall of Reflection
- Holy Nova farming in Icecrown
- Winning a Battered Hilt in Pit of Saron on the first day returning from hiatus. (I sold it)
- Doing 2s arena with my DK partner and getting Hot Streak with him having 500 resilience and moving with a touch pad. I suppose we got lucky. We finished off with 1100 rating 5 days later on the night before he quit WoW, had a blast, best partner ever. Vent helps, but I think I made his ears bleed on one of our match days.
- Getting Twilight Vanquisher title in a pug and had mount ninjaed by a DK. You may ask why it's on Master Loot, the answer is the DK kicked everyone but 3 guildies from the raid when Sarth was at 1%. So it wasn't on ML, but we weren't getting anything. I didn't really care about the drake, but trade chat was crazy afterward, admittingly I had fun watching the drama unfold itself.
- Pug finish Ruby Sanctum 10 and 25
- Took a resto druid for my pug and watch him rocking ToC 10 and later ToCG 10 with 4300gs. He two healed with another resto druid. He was good, gearscore fails.
- Finally got enchanting to skill cap after 2 years.
- Finally managed to pick an alt class/spec that I enjoy and can commit to level - feral bear tank.
- Writing this blog
Peace out.